Monarch to Build New Winnunga Rehabilitation Facility

16 DEC 2024

Monarch is proud to announce that we have been awarded the construction of the Alcohol and other Drug Residential Rehabilitation Facility (RRF) in Watson.

This essential facility, to be operated by Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health and Community Services, will offer culturally safe and inclusive rehabilitation and recovery programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Canberrans, supporting their transition back into the broader community.

Designed by Judd Studio, the RRF will include therapeutic treatment spaces, resident amenities, communal recreation areas, landscaped outdoor spaces, and administrative and staff facilities. 

As part of the broader Watson health precinct, Monarch is also delivering the Design and Construction of two additional facilities: a youth mental health service managed by Marymead CatholicCare and a youth rehabilitation service led by the Ted Noffs Foundation.

We are pleased to contribute to the development of this important initiative, building better health outcomes for the Canberra community.

Renders of New Residential Rehabilitation Facility (RRF)

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